Addiction is a complex disease that can affect anyone irrespective of your status, color, religion, etc.
When someone is addicted, they tend to view the world in a way different from sober people. This Is one of the common reasons why addicts are at loggerheads with their loved ones.
If your loved one is addicted, you might conflict with them. Therefore, you need to watch out for some of these signs to help them get better in the long run.

Being secretive
One of the surest ways to know that your loved one is struggling with addiction is when they start being evasive or secretive with some of their activities. This means that when they are carrying out their addiction, they will ensure that no one knows what they are doing.
They will keep secrets from you, and give unclear answers to your questions. Similarly, they will behave in a way that is not typical of them, this will make you suspect that something is going on.
Changes in energy levels
Another way to know that your loved one is addicted is when their energy levels change frequently. This means that they can be depressed this minute and the next, they are all over the place.
It is important to mention that substances like drugs and alcohol can influence someone’s energy levels.
Changes in physical appearance
When you notice that your loved one has a different physical appearance that does not suggest they are healthy, they might be dealing with addiction. You will observe that they are not taking care of themselves like before.
Loss of interest in different things
Addicted individuals usually have a change in priorities. This means that somethings which caught their interest in the past will no longer matter to them.
You will not find them participating in their favorite activities, because they have something else taking their attention.
Other signs of addiction that you might notice are loss of memory, inability to meet obligations, financial problems, changes in attitude, etc. When you notice some of these signs, you need to take them to an addiction treatment counselor for help.